Saturday, March 31, 2007

1 (one) tonne sohaiz & 1 (one) tonne ah keap~~~

一噸 sohaiz 有几重~~~!!??
一噸阿 keap又有几重咧~~!!??


糸埋因为 keap = sohaiz~~!!??

一噸 sohaiz 同 一噸阿 keap 咯~~!!!!

当然一样重~~~ 并唔关 keap 系唔系 sohaiz 既事~~~~


How heavy is one tonne sohaiz~~~!!??
N how heavy is one tonne ah keap~~~!!???

R they equalize~~!!??

Sohai = keap~~~~!!??

is tat true~~~!!???
One tonne sohaiz = one tonne ah keap~~!!???

aiks~~~ u c2piD 1~~~

already told u tat one tonne punya sohaiz & one tonne punya ah keap lor..
sure equalize lar..
both also one tonne wat~~~
tak ada related to keap is sohaiz o not 1~~~
tat 1 is dif issue aredi~~~



Friday, March 30, 2007

latest news~~~ colleague transfering to site~~

Goldis tower~~~


my colleague gonna transfer to tat site soon..
she has to go to tat site on monday~~
so rush man~~~
i hear tat the QS there is taking maternity leave wor~~~
lolz.. early I tot either me o another 2 colleague gonna transfer to tat site 1…


Mana tahu kuda hitam telah keluar~~~


so.. I’m gonna stay at HQ…
for duno how long… =p

actually stay HQ is ok for me~~
but site also not bad..
since I lack of exp in highrise building~~
so, I think is good for me to learn something there…

lolz.. my boss said tat highrise is totally dif wif terrace 1…
I agree bout tat too..
Terrace house is much more easy lar..
Just double storey or single storey..
easy job… =p

Hope they get award for the pavilion jobs..
although I think the chances is low + small.. =p

1 more thing..
plS~~~~dun throw me to infra work punya site..
it's gonna kill me~~~ I prefer building works lar…


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

bosS's bird day ~~

~~~secret recipe's Chocolate Indulgence~~~

bosS's bird day todayz....
so , the contracts deprt giving him a surprise b'day party lar..
it was held at the meeting rooM which gonna be "demolish" in nex month(renovation for the new staffs coming in)~~~

there is some fruits, kuih-muih, goreng pisang, curry puffs, goreng bola +++++
just a simple birdday party lar..
too bad~~ no camera~~coz tina not around~~~

tina~~ i noe u sure read this~~~
wahahaha~~ very full ahhh...
i cant eat anymore~~~



Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Tender submitted~~
i just assist at last few dayz to do the submission works only..
very little works...

after makan n nothing to do..
feel boring~~~

nothing to do againz~~~
if boss question me againz “Chong, wat r u doing recently ?”
then I really duno how to answer…. againz....
Mayb just answer same as last time lar..
Then my boss sure shout againz…

btw~~ he also noe tat nothing for us to do now lar..
dia ni GM ler..
tak ada tender kita pun tak boleh buat apa-apa 1…

"we" typing the quotation into softcopy lor..
lolz.. typing works… boring~~~~
ccb~~~ @#$%^&*@#$

oh ya~~~ my boss besok bird day wor~~~
i think he is 54 / 55 yrs old aredi..
retired soON~~~
duno who is going to take over his "seat"...

nex month~~~ road builders got lima belas (15) ekor orang coming in...
i like to call them ekor arr..
u blow me arr....

hahaha~~ I feel tat wanna request transfer to site lar…
so many ppls in a narrow restricted + limited area~~~
macam satin fish~~~
+++ i memang tak banyak kerja kat sini...

haihz~~~~ tian arrrrrrrrrr~~~~
wat am I doing here~~!!??
Tipu gaji'ing~~~


Sunday, March 25, 2007

"langgar hantu" ~~ opss~~ "langgar coursemates" lar~~~ ><

saturday night~~
after yamcha then nothing to go~~~
Pergi the curve watch movie 1…
But it seem alots ppl~~
so~~ giv up~~

OMG~~ saw DQS group A punya coursemates~~
Hahaha~~ hide hide hide~~~

They saw me~~
My baju almost kena goyak by minG hooi & yeen ni~~~
wah~~ I sudah pura-pura tak nampak u aredi 1…
Stil drag my baju for wat~~~

Muahahaha~~~ =p
just kidding lar~~~

Lolz~~ afterward we call hup join us yamcha @ the KAYU~~~
Wau~~ ming mooi , yeen ni & jing wei stil stil same~~
didn’t change alots~~~
The mouth stil bilibara~~ non- stop~~~
hahaha ~~~

Ppl say tat 2 women = 500 ducks~~~
lolz.. I think I saw 750 ducks yesterday~~~
opss, mayb more than tat~~~

it is a good memory~~
we all talk nonsense there ~~

lolz~~ hope som1 will organize a QS gathering in future lar~~
oh , ya~~~ ming hooi~~ I recommend u to be the organizer it lar~~~



to 龟 :

老邓说过~~~ “不管白猫黑猫,会捉老鼠就是好猫~~~~”

偶说~~~ “不管白龟黑龟,会回偶短讯的就是好龟~~~~”



Saturday, March 24, 2007

拿得起~~放得下~~~ let it go~~~


其实都同等重要 ~~


放下 ~~~

放下 ~~~

阿 sam 哥歌仔都有得唱 ~~~“命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求”~~~




it is important to noe tat how to “let go”~~~
hold it & let go is equalize significant in our life~~~
we cant carry to much wif my hand~~
the boat also will wreck or slow down if over weight lar~~~
we hav to learn to giv up something n let it go~~
to being able to let go ~~~

after let go “something”~~
lim bei feel tat~~~

Happier Than Ever~~~~~



Friday, March 23, 2007


there is 2 articles deleted..
mayb som of u did read it~~
it is write for vent my emotions~~
n inside alots of bad words~~
scolding ppl~~

actually i did write alots bout the things happen in last few dayz...
5 article stil in draft mode~~
regarding som happy memory~~
but i dun feel tat wanna post it out anymore~~

the feeling of being frame-up is damn bad~~~

the following is the summary of the things happened in few dayz.....

Expectant~~~ Riding the mood~~~

Dream becomz true~~~ Happy~~ excellent~~~

Interrupt~~~ Disrupt~~ by fren~~~

Early~~Angry~~ Mad~~

After~~~ disappoint~~~ upset~~~ feel been Betrayed~~~

feeling bad shape til noW~~~

Sunday, March 11, 2007

《富士山下》 的华语版 《爱情转移》 ~~~~

偶很喜欢陈奕迅的 《富士山下》 这首歌~~


最近偶看了一出戏~~ 叫 《爱情呼叫转移》~~~
里面有 《富士山下》 的华语版 《爱情转移》 ~~~



《富士山下》中的 “谁都只得那双手, 靠拥抱亦难任你拥有,要拥有必先懂失去怎接受”

《爱情转移》中的 “把一个人的温暖转移到另一个的胸膛,让上次犯的错反省出梦想”


偶还是比较喜欢华语版的 《爱情转移》 ~~~





七年之痒,无法忍受婚姻生活的平淡,和妻子和平分手。在他沦落街头之后,遇到一个喜欢恶作剧的下凡天使,天使送他一 部神奇手机 ——每按一个键,就会有一次艳遇。这部神奇手机具有阿拉丁神灯般魔力,能将梦中天使带到徐朗身边。

从此,徐朗的生活中有了各种奇遇,遭遇了各式的女子,体验到“天使”的童叟无欺,更体会到女人的性感百变。美艳动人的小妇人,雷厉风行的俊俏女警,风情万种的女教师,美貌如 花的伶俐小姑娘,温良娴熟的女人,精力旺盛、不着四六的女魔头,甚至,有一回,他还几乎“有幸”被一个小富婆“包养” ……


男人事业累,感情更累,12个天使面孔、魔鬼身材的女人让徐朗 “爽” 到 “痛”~~~

12个女人的类型跟星座有异曲同工之妙,星星相映。要不美艳惹火,要不爽直干练,要不精打细算,要不古怪精灵, 要不知性优雅,要不天真无邪,要不身家巨富,要不冷艳神秘,要不敏感多疑……









Saturday, March 10, 2007







虽然偶经常都没 mood 做工嘀~~


Friday, March 09, 2007


最近一整班 QS Kaki 都在发情料~~





fatty wai就不用讲料~~

猪肉荣还算是个比较 normal 点的~~

哎~~ 偶都给你们这班混蛋弄的心思思料~~
心有点动料~~~ >< 啊~~~~!!

ah yee~~ 你不要为偶介绍女友~~
光豪~~ 你也不要做帮凶~~
不然偶会去 kacau 你的 pinky嘀~~
没错~~偶是在恐吓你~~ 哈哈哈~~~



借用 SK 那句 "吾讲边度有得笑"~~

>< ~~~~~update~~~~~
(11.03.2007 ~~~~)

som1 write this to me after he read my blog~~~

Han He says (4:49 PM):
XXXXX.............. my kou sui whether got liu arrr????

(dirty word sudah disembunyikan)


Thursday, March 08, 2007

somethng i wanna share wif my frens~~

to those who get ur BSc Degree in Bldg Contract Mgtn / Bldg Construction Mgtn~~~~
i wish u guys good luck in ur future/carreer~~~

there is a story i wanna share wif u guys~~~ (all my frens~~)
especially thos who just fresh grad. frm the UNI~~~

~~~~~the story bout an old man & kid~~~~~

There is an old man fishing at the riverside~~

a child notice he has expert fishing skills… becoz he did catch the fish easily n filled the basket~~

the old man like the kid very much becoz he looks lovely~~
so he wanna giv the whole basket of fish to the kid~~~

but the kid shakes his head,

the old man surprised n asked : "Why u dun1 it~~!!?? "

the kid replied :" I want your fishing rod. "

the old man: "wat for u want the fishing rod~~!!?? Wat u wanna to do wif it~~!!?? "

kid said :" I can easily finish this basket of fishies by few dayz~~ but if I had a fishing rod... I can fish by my own n a lifetime no need to worry bout the food... I can eat un-limited fishes in future~~~ "

I think you will say : "Well, how smart is tat kid….."

But~~~ u r WRONG~~~~
if the kid get the fishing rod~~~~
he cant eat a single fish~~~
not even 1~~~~

This is becoz he dunno bout the fishing skills~~~
it is useless to have a fishing rod~~~~

Wat’s the meaning of this story ler~~~!!!?? 

This story tells us :

There is a lots of ppl tot they aredi got the fishing rod~~ so they fearless in their life~~ but they will facing probs in future~~
Just like wat the kid do~~ he tot he got un-limited fish to eat after he own the fishing rod….
Same as the employees’ view~~ they tot their boss able to roll the money as long as they sitting in an office~~~ the employees nv noe tat wat their boss “PAID” be4 they got such achievement~~

So~~ my frens~~
u got ur fishing rod (cert)~~ but u stil dun hav the fishing skill (exp) yet~~

So~~ dun blame~~ (for those blaming to me bout ur stupid colleague/bosses 1!!)
go learn~~~ u’ll able to eat the un-limited fishes in future~~~BUT not NOW~~~

as our UNI mention ~~~~

~~~~ drEAM~~~~~ pLan~~~~~~ achieve~~~~~

set ur target n go after it~~~

good luck to u all~~~~!!!!!

remember belanja me makan when u guys becom rich~~~~
(tak payah becomz rich lar~~~ spend me a dinner when u get ur 1st salary lar~~~)


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

To the men & women who after the age of 25~~~

To the women who after the age of 25 :

1. start from this year, u can do wat ever u like…
be smart~~ hot~~~ sexy~~~n wiLd~~~~~~
enjoy ur life~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!

2. Every day morning, u have to look in the mirror and tell urself tat u really beautiful….
If it is too difficult to convince ur self, try to make up be4 doing tat~~~
u may move the mirror a distant from u… or maybe adjust the lighting, make it darker~~~ no matter wat, u have to believe that u are really beautiful~~~~

3. Buy a lot of sexy underwear/ T-back….
Believe me, wear it n u will fall in love with them~~~~~ luv urself~~~ dun wear those pasar malam stuff anymore lar~~~~ treat urself better~~~~

4. Perfume~~~
If u do not give by men the only 50 ml which costing around RM200 punya Burberrys Women, Christian Dior or DKNY apple (Red Delicious Women Eau De)~ ~~
PLS~~~ buy it urself….. (but at least Bodyshop’s stuff lar ~~~)
If u are so "unfortunate", then u have to buy it at relatively low prices…..
(there is always sales in supermarket~~~~ )
But~~ my dear, why u going to the 26 years old soon but stil tak ada wang to buy perfume~~~!!!??
Ur mum should reminded u tat u need to keep the money in case...
in case no body want u~~~

5. Long hair~~~~ Long Hair 1 is alwyz a beautiful woman, this is becoz it can spread others’ awareness bout ur face~~~

trust me~~ dun cut ur hair & nv make them short~~~
long hair alwyz more attractive~~~ guys also attracting by ur long hair~~~

6. What's more important than enough sleep~~~?
dun go D so frequent lar~~~
although u saying tat is enjoy~~
u must keep up sufficient sleep if u refuse to wrinkle & premature senility~~~

7. u must regularly check ur body…..
if u did not have such a perform then start it frm this year~~~
body checkup at least once per annual~~~
in future, u will eventually understand/realize wat I mean~~~

8. If u are 25 years old n fell in love with a man…
well~~~go ahead~~~~~ dun think so much~~~~
as wat I stated in (1)~~ do wat ever u like ~~
do wat ever u want~~~~ dun think so much~~
enjoy to luv n being luv~~~ who cares wat is going on in futures~~~!!??
maybe besok aredi amagadon ler~~~!!??

9. nv ever fall in luv wif a man who married~~~~
there is another year has passed, he still not yet left his wife~~~
n he would do so in future~~~~ dun be stupid lar u~~~~
believe me~~becoz I’m man~~~ I noe them more than u~~~

10. Buy a house~~!!!
Men will betray you but house wont~~~
u can lock urself inside there when u felt upset/cry n no bodies will notice tat…

11. If u do not want to get married~~~
it mayb a good idea to consider a child~~~
born urself or adoption lar~~~~
but 1 thing u should pay attention is to maintaining ur body~~~~ go celebrity fitness lar~~~ keep ur body fits~~~ luv urself~~~~~

12. I know that u quite upset n feel wanna cry becoz u r 25 yrs old ~~~
n all this is not your imagination~~~ u r not living as what u imagine~~
but u have to remember this in futures~~~
wat u ned to do is just to make urself happy~~~
all this is for your own good~~~~ u must trade urself better ~~~
If you feel happier, it is happy~~~~

+O +O +O +O +O +O +O +O +O +O +O +O +O +O +O +O +O +O +O

To the men who after the age of 25 :

1. If u found ur luv~~~~go earn/make money~~ n spend ur time to luv her~~~~~

2. If u tak ada GF, then GO MAKE MONEY~~~now~~~~ u idiot~~~~~~!!!

(man's "mission" = earn money~~~) lolz~~~



Monday, March 05, 2007

chap goh may~~~~

chap goh may's result~~~~~
( chap goh may = means 15th night of CNY in Hokkien dialect)

hup dpt 4 contacts~~
wenG got 5~~~~
u tot we go pick up the limau~~!!??
they r not so stupid~~
they straight ask the garl bout their HP number~~~
we wont so stupid go the kolam there pick up the limau 1 lar~~~

hup farking ganas tat dayz...
i think this is becoz he wear his "Combat cloth"~~~
(mickey's power~~~muahahahaha~~)
his power sudah gain more than 200% aredi~~~~
almsot becom super Saiya~~~~
dpt 4 contacts man~~~
not bad~~~
all his target also quite pretty + hot~~~

keng~~ muahahahaha~~~

fark man~~~ u nv c their face when they receive the sms~~
they r farking gay~~~~
especially is tat farker BIG HEAD (hup)~~~
u r damn gayz~~~~~~
smile like farker~~~


but~~i personally quite like the isabel~~
her name is so~~~~ sweet~~~~~~~~~
duno sur name is wat~~~
LA? isabel + la = isabella~~~!??
aiks~~~ i think starting frm now~~~
our weekend will becomz more "interest" or maybe "worse"~~~

p/s: i didnt ask for any contact~~~ coz yee beside me~~~
haiya~~ ahyee lar~~kaka jiaojiao~~ (muahahaha~~) =p


有房出租 (RooM for rent)


地點 : 竹野的心房...
租金 : 你全心全意的愛...
人數 : 只限一人...
Status : 單身女性
年齡 : 20-23
租期 : 希望是永久租約...
Facilities : 竹野的一切都與你分享...


english version~~~~ (translate by hAM)

RooM for rent

Venue(address) : Zuye’s heart (atrial)...
Rental : youR love (100%)...
number of renter : Only one
Status : Single female (only)
Age : 20-23 yrs old
period : Hopefully is permanent....
Facilities : Zuye will share everything with you....

The current renter did not pay the renting fees ....
Therefore, I(Zuye) intend to request her to move out end of this month ...
I now intend to clean up the atrial for the opening rental purpose...

Welcome to observe the RooM(atrial).... (24 hours per dayz.. 7 dayz per week)

Zuye = pIpe = yOng huI~~~~

nah~~ i wanna charge advertising fees 1~~~
i translate it for u som more~~
pls bank in to my maybank account~~
opss~~~ i prefer Public bank~~~~

Saturday, March 03, 2007

HSBC credit card~~~~

i apply for it aredi~~
n now i feel regret bout tat~~~

4 wei ling lar~~~
apply it for wat lar.....
(i teman this stupid go curve lar~~)
tat HSBC fella looks force me to sign up too...

but there is 1 thing i noe after this lesson~~
my company is quite famous~~
life Wave for the credit card 1...
FREE For Life wor~~~
no annual fees gonna charge 1~~~

keap sure scold me later ( he is the 1 wanna apply HSBC but kena reject few times)


Friday, March 02, 2007


this few dayz bursa m'sia ang ang (red red) man~~~


good for me also~~~
coz i just open the trading account~~~~ =p

Sunway (4308) & SunwayW (4308wb)~~~~
i coming to u sooN~~~~


Thursday, March 01, 2007

arrRRRR~ mana ada lubanG~~~!!!??

wah , tsk tsk..
paisei paise...

i date wif 2 remisier n i didnt notice tat...

no 1der sudden change the location lar..
another poor remisier waiting me at section 14 mcD for more than 30 mins(my phone no battery) when i meeting wif another remisier...

hahaha , i also not sure wat is happening~~~~

i try explain lar..
i think the story is like tat...

there is a remisier (let's giv him a name remisier A call me for open a trading account~~
n he keep postpone~~ 3 dayz aredi..
now day 4th stil no respond~~
so wai( gamuda chan) suggest me n giv me another remisier contact ..
so i call this remisier (let's giv him a name remisier B) n i giv up bout the remisier A aredi~~

remisier B call me at noon(01.03.2007) n date to meet me at Atria DJ 7.30pm~~
then i promise say OK lor...

the remisier A call me ask me were am i now (afterward only i notice)~~
i say stil in office ~~~
n i tot he is the remisier B ( coz i dun hav their handphone number~~ this 2 fella call me by their office phone~~ n they r frm same company sommore~~ i lansung tak tahu)~~
so date meet in Atria DJ againz~~~
but he say mayb we can make it at SS14 mcD~~
then i say ok lor....

guess wat~~~!!!???
i reach n finish my set of filot-o fish then i receive a call frm A~~
he ask were am i , i say mcD 1st flooR~~~
then he off the line~~
5 second later~~ the remisier B call me ask were am i~~
i say ss24 mcD lor~~
he say "harr? not Atria~~~!!??"

then i say "Atria~~!?? i tot ss14? nv mind, i come to u lar"
( i tot A & B is a same person, there is the mistake here)

aiks... i also duno wat am i talking bout now....
i mess up 2 person aredi..
cant think logically now...
how come this kind of mistake happen~~~!!??

the remisier A really pity~~
waiting at mcD more than 40 mins ( coz my phone no battery, i receive his call after 40 mins)

i sure kena curse kao kao aredi~~~

remisier A... pls forgiv me~~~~
i try find u another client lar~~~
sorry arrr~~~~

dun curse me pls~~~

Lesson 2 - for pity SK~~

i quite like this story~~
although it is full of arguments~~

this story is specially wrote for mR. HO~~~
giv up lar~~~~!!!!







i translate this story to english since Tina request me to do so~~
(fairwell present for u lar sicne is ur last day in HQ~~~ ><) i try my best to translate it lar.... but i think this story really full of "arguments".... garls sure scold " ur guys alwyz think bout~~~ sex sex sex~~~!!" ok~~ stop talking nonsense~~ let's start the story~~~~ =p

The story bout snakes and turtle

There are 2 snakes very fren 1..
1 is tak ada poison (anaconda~~??) ~~
n another 1 ada poison 1(name it little cobra lar)..

Satu hari, they jalan-jalan at the garden~~~
suddenly they found a huge turtle on the roadside....
These 2 Snake brothers pun berfikir tat “ walau yeh~~ so BIG punya turtle, delicious meal leh…"

The anaconda said : "let me deal with the stupid dump turtle…"
So the anaconda display his skills, physically attack~~~entangle the large turtle firmly…
But the anaconda unable to hurt the turtle since the turtle hiding its body inside its shell…

after few mins..
the “useless” anaconda giv up becoz it unable to kill the turtle..…

since outside diam-diam sngt~~~
the stupid dump large turtle exposed his head to spy whether the snakes gone o not(really stupid dump turtle, tengok apa lar)…
then the cobra bitten on the turtle head (龟头 guai tao >< ) with the lightning speed… few minutes later, the turtle died of intoxication....    Anaconda : "shit~~!!! I have spent so much effort but yet could not harm a turtle... but u able to do tat easily… u “beli” kenG wor~~"    The little cobra said : "this is becoz I know it's vital/crucial…" But the next problem they facing is~~ the death turtle still caught in tat large turtle shell.... these two snakes are edible animals and they can not makan the turtle macam tu… so.. no choice.. they hav to let go n leave the death turtle there…

Wat’s the meaning of this story ler~~~!!!?? 

This story tells us : u wont able to tackle the garl although u keep chasing her without giving up, u must UNDERSTAND tat garl then only able to GET her HEART~~~

This story also telling us that : If you can not take off the garl's clothes, PLS~~~ do not spend ur time n energy to tackle her lar~~~ sai hei~~~~ waste ur time + money~~~

i'm damn jin kak.. i noe tat...


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the end~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~