Long time nv update this blog~
Becoz I’m too bizy in last few months…
Damn it..
Works nv end…
So many projects~~
I’m a bit free right now..
I tender resignation @ beginning of Feb~~
I got offer from middle east company..
So~ I’m going to middle east nex month…
Haven’t decided were to be locate & which project also..
Stil pending for the decision from the management…
But I prefer to be locating @ Abu Dhabi lar~~
Lower expenses mar~~
I can save more~~ =p
So~ my last working day in current company is 14th of March~~
Hrmm… almost half year “hanging” in s’pore…
Now leaving soon~~
duno y.. no hard feeling also..
maybe I’m not so satisfy with current status/ company lar..
btw~~ i think my boss pun tak begitu satisfy wif my performance also..
who cares~~
u tak suka i then i quit lor....
sounds so relax~~
n sounds like I’m so cruel~~
Macam tak kisah~~
but frankly speaking ~
mayb the friendly colleagues can be the only reason i feel not willing to left lar~~
but my eye sudah occupied of $$$ right now~~
How to spend my money ler~~
Seong wai advices me go buy a Rolex watch~~
Around RM20k +- lar~~
Good for collection wor..
Hrmm~~ can consider about tat also..
But I afraid my hand kena chop when those Indonesian saw I wearing Rolex watch ler…
Wat to do….!!??
buy a fake 1~~!!??
ppl will tot tat is real after notice u working @ middle east~~~
n when the ppl wanna rope u just giv it lar..
back to topic~~
Actually this is a very good opportunity for me to settle my loanS~~
hopefully can settle it within 1 or 2 yrs~~
Then I’ll becom free afterward~~~
Can do wat ever I want~~!!!
Investing the extra money into share~~!?
Or partnering wif som1 to run some small business~~!!??
So far~ I hav no idea yet~~
Hrmmm~~ my brain cannot think wisely right now~~
The feeling is damn complicated~~
I’m leaving my sweet home to a far east country~~
I cant go home easily as current anymore~~
I also duno I can tahan or not~~
However~ the power of $$$ will support me de~~
Hrmmm~~ can consider to get a gf when reach there lar..
To make my life more “interesting”~~
Lolz~~ sounds so easy~~
Hope “she” is not an Islamic lar~~
Btw~~ middle east got pork~~!!????